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April 24, 2016
Minivan = Uncool

You cannot make being a dad cool. It’s impossible. That includes, in the case of the Pacifica, making being uncool hip.

April 15, 2016
I Like Big Buttons and I Cannot Lie

We are getting rid of buttons so we can have touchscreens that feel like buttons.

Orange is in.
March 28, 2016
Go Mango or Go Home

Orange is back. Orange you glad you can buy an orange car?

March 24, 2016
American Twitter Essays

The American Canon – History in 140 Characters or Less

February 22, 2016
Last Minute Lane Change? Don’t risk it.

There is a little-known law, one that holds sway over all motorists regardless of what sort of car they drive, what kind of driver they are or how much money they have. It’s the called the “Law of the Missed Exit.”

panda playing with snow
February 3, 2016
Video Game Ice Cream

Everyone loves video games and everyone loves ice cream (except the lactose intolerant) but what if they were the same thing? Pandas would love them.

January 28, 2016
In Praise of the Family Run Garage

In an age of ever-expanding conglomerates it’s good to know that there are still family-run garages.

Man walking on winter sidewalk
January 21, 2016
When it comes to crosswalks, the onus for safety must be on the driver

Whenever I feel the urge to put my life on the line, to feel exposed, vulnerable and in extreme jeopardy, I simply put on my shoes, take a walk around my neighbourhood and use a few of our local crosswalks.

December 2, 2015
Ten for the Road

In July 2007 the Vatican declared that driving in automobiles can be “an occasion for sin” and issued “Ten Commandments.” These came in the form of a 59-page document released by the Pontifical Council for Migrants and Travelers, entitled “Guidelines for the Pastoral Care…

December 2, 2015
What American Thanksgiving Means to Me

Thanksgiving is America’s favorite holiday. It means getting together with friends, and family for an enormous amount of rich food and being grateful for all the abundance the American way of life can offer. I’m Canadian and live in Toronto. We Canucks don’t get…
