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Category: Road Sage

Each week in his Globe and Mail humour column Andrew Clark writes about the good and bad in driving. Well… mostly the bad.

June 15, 2019
Kids Today…

Panicked. That’s the best adjective to describe automobile manufacturers around the world. They’re panicked because Millennials and Gen Z (those born between 1995 and 2015) aren’t interested in driving and, what’s worse, not too keen on buying cars. “Owning and driving a vehicle will…

June 15, 2019
Dogs and Cars Quiz

Summer hasn’t hit Canada yet, but there have already been reports of dog owners leaving their pets to suffer inside cars in sweltering conditions. On May 22, a woman in Victoria was fined for leaving her dog in her car for over an hour….

May 25, 2019
To give or Not to Give…

So, I plan to give it to my oldest daughter, who is getting her licence. It seems the natural course of action. After all, I’ve been on the receiving end of a few old beaters.

Orange is in.
April 30, 2019
The Rockford Files

As a kid growing up in the 1970s, I was addicted to the show and mesmerized by the car. The infatuation never subsided. In the 1990s, when I was starting a career as a freelance writer, I watched the show on A&E and Jim Rockford seemed like the champion of self-employed writers everywhere.

April 24, 2019
Left Lane Hogs

I’ve made it my personal mission to combat these vile driving practices. I devote a column every year to lamenting such poor driving. I have to admit that, so far, I’m failing badly at my mission.

April 15, 2019
Hey Doug! Here’s an idea.

Doug Ford is missing a golden opportunity. His Progressive Conservative government announced that it is replacing Ontario’s “Yours To Discover” licence-plate slogan on commercial vehicles.

March 29, 2019
California Commute

California pioneered environmentalism, gave birth to the hippie movement and is home to Silicon Valley. The Golden State is forward-thinking. Maybe it’s the time difference. You get the feeling that Californians treat the east the same way parents treat a toddler. Once they’re put…

March 13, 2019
Move to the Mini?

He was a Mini Cooper convert, a zealot. After owning a Nissan Maxima, and prior to that a Buick Park Avenue, my father-in-law bought a Mini Cooper in 2012 and has been smitten ever since. He lives in western New York and wanted a…

Man walking on winter sidewalk
March 5, 2019
Mayor Pothole

As mayor, it’s hard for my constituents to understand what I do. Is my job ceremonial, they wonder, like the Queen’s? But when they see me taking on potholes, it’s very clear that I am a man of action. I’m a problem-solver. Got a…

panda playing with snow
March 3, 2019
Yeah, though I drive the Valley of the Shadow of Snowbanks

Midwinter means lane-shrinkage. Thanks to snow accumulation, two-lane streets become one-lane streets. One-way streets become no-way streets. The result is the automotive version of the February blahs, a situation that can bring out unseemly aspects of the human character.
