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Category: Uncategorized

March 31, 2017
Cocktail Patent – Reality or Painful Fantasy

I’ve invented a cocktail, a delicious refreshing beverage which I’m sure will alter the course of history. I want to give it to the world but this goes against my nature which says, “find a way to make money.” So, while I perfect it…

December 2, 2015
Ten for the Road

In July 2007 the Vatican declared that driving in automobiles can be “an occasion for sin” and issued “Ten Commandments.” These came in the form of a 59-page document released by the Pontifical Council for Migrants and Travelers, entitled “Guidelines for the Pastoral Care…

December 2, 2015
What American Thanksgiving Means to Me

Thanksgiving is America’s favorite holiday. It means getting together with friends, and family for an enormous amount of rich food and being grateful for all the abundance the American way of life can offer. I’m Canadian and live in Toronto. We Canucks don’t get…
